What is a Lutheran?


We are thankful that you are here learning more about St. John Lutheran Church. Whether you are an eighth generation Lutheran, or you aren’t even sure why you’re here today, we don’t think it’s an accident. 

Today you are going to have an encounter with Christ. Our Lutheran Christian teaching on Worship is that the first movement is God coming to us. We trust that Christ is present with us in Word and Sacrament. In response to this great gift, we pray, praise, and give thanks.

What does it mean to be Lutheran?

What is the Lutheran Christian confession of the Christian faith?

We believe that it’s still all about Jesus, the Crucified, Risen, Ascended, Reigning, Lord and Savior. Lutheran Christians treasure the Scriptural truth that we are “justified by grace through faith” (Eph. 2:8).

Much more information about the ministry of our church body, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, can be found at www.lcms.org 

For Those Who Wish to Commune

For Those Who Wish to Commune

As a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) we believe, teach, and confess that the Sacrament of the Altar is the real presence of the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, in, with, and under the bread and wine, for us Christians to eat and to drink for the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation.

We take seriously the spiritual care of those who commune at our altar.  Thus, we ask that only those who have received instruction (catechesis) and/or are members of a congregation of the LCMS come forward to receive Holy Communion.

 For other Christians: We yearn for The Day when Christ returns and divisions within the Body of Christ are eliminated. You are welcome to come forward to the altar and cross your arms to receive a blessing from the pastor.

Lutheran Confession of the Christian faith

Lutheran Confession of the Christian faith

Want to learn more about our congregation and the Lutheran Confession of the Christian faith?

We also welcome the opportunity to learn more about you, and to share with you more about the Lutheran Confession of the Christian faith. We’ve found individual instruction to be most effective, and our pastors will meet with you individually or as a family to instruct you further.

Questions? Connect with Us

We would love to connect with you and answer any questions you might have.

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