
Partner with St. John

St. John is a giving congregation! We give because of all God has done for us, and it all belongs to Him. When you give to St. John, you are a partner in life-changing ministries in Indianapolis and beyond.

Thank you for partnering with us!

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Ways to Give Financially

  • General Fund – Contributions that are not designated for a particular ministry or capital project will be assigned to the General Fund. These donations will be used to support operating expenses that are included in the annual budget which is voted on and approved by the congregation each year. This includes memorial gifts, bequests, matching corporate contributions and other offerings not restricted. Congregants are welcome and encouraged to set up weekly or monthly recurring contributions which creates predictability in revenue.
  • Preserving God’s House – This is the congregation’s capital improvement fund. It is used for capital projects that are identified and approved by the Board of Trustees who oversee capital spending. This fund does not include Repairs and Maintenance expenses which are included in the operating budget. Congregants are encouraged to contribute to this fund in addition to the general fund. However, contributions to this fund should not take the place of regular offerings to the general fund.
  • Stained Glass Window Restoration Fund – Restoration of the stained glass windows was completed during 2023. Congregants are encouraged to make contributions to this fund so that the debt can be paid in full. However, contributions to this fund should not take the place of regular offerings to the general fund.

Restoration Fund

  • School Gifts Fund – This fund includes donations made that are restricted to school expenses only.
  • Eagle Scholarship Fund – This is an internally managed fund to assist families with their school tuition costs. Decisions about awards to families are determined by school administration.
  • Scholarship Granting Organization – Contributions to this fund provides a special opportunity for a tax credit in the State of Indiana. Contributions are made to and managed by the Lutheran Scholarship Granting Organization. Decisions on student awards are made internally by the school administration. The goal of the fund is to make Christian Education a reality for families through scholarships.
  • Special Projects – Big or small, groups at St. John raise funds throughout the year to support various school ministries and in our community. Subscribe to our e-newsletter to stay up to date on these opportunities to support St. John!
  • Required Minimum Distribution (RMD’S)
    • If you are 70½, you can use your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to support St. John Lutheran Church & School. A RMD is the smallest amount account holders must withdraw from employer-sponsored retirement plans each year once they reach retirement age. An RMD reduces taxable income, even without itemized deductions.
    • Check with your accountant and/or financial advisor before donating to see if this would work for you and to ascertain the best transfer of your assets.
    • To Donate an RMD:
      • Contact your broker and let them know that you wish to have a DTC Transfer of stock to St. John Lutheran Church & School. Your broker may also send a check directly to St. John Lutheran church & School, 6630 Southeastern Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46237 attn. Angie Ziliak.
      • To process specific stock(s) with a targeted date to St. John Lutheran Church & School, 6630 Southeastern Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46203
      • Schwab Account Number: 72356188 DTC Number: 0188
      • Notify Angie Ziliak that a transfer is in process at or call (317)352-9196 Extension 13.
  • St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church as a Beneficiary in Estate Planning
    • Work with your lawyer, accountant and/or financial advisor to find the best plan to leave assets to our ministry. Your legacy gift will help St. John continue its mission of Cultivating Christ’s Community through courageous discipleship and compassionate action. A careful legacy plan can save taxes for your loved ones and leave more for them and your church.
    • Information for your advisor(s):
      • St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church
      • 6630 Southeastern Avenue
        Indianapolis, IN 46203
      • Tax ID Number: 35-6000683
      • Learn More
    • There are many ways to give:
      • Name St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, mutual fund, annuity and/or retirement plan assets. Retirement plan assets include 401(K) and 403(B) plans.
      • Name St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church as a specific gift in your will or trust. If you specify percentages, then as the value of your estate fluctuates, the exact numbers to go to your church and family can change without any need to change the final distribution you have set up.
      • To learn more about how you can leave a legacy gift contact Angie Ziliak or call 317-352-9196 Ext 13.
  • St. John Endowment Fund for Church & School Ministry as a Beneficiary in Estate Planning
    • Work with your lawyer, accountant and/or financial advisor to find the best plan to leave assets to our Endowment Fund. Your gift will help the Endowment Fund specific ministry needs. A careful plan can save taxes for your loved ones and leave more for them and for the Endowment Fund.
    • Information for your advisor(s): 
      • St. John Endowment Fund for Church & School Ministry
      • 6630 Southeastern Avenue
        Indianapolis, IN 46203
      • Tax ID Number: 35-1963895
      • Learn More
    • There are many ways to give:
      • Name St. John Endowment Fund for Church & School Ministry as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, mutual fund, annuity and/or retirement plan assets. Retirement plan assets may include 401(K) and 403(B) plans.
      • Name St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church as a specific gift in your will or trust. If you specify percentages, then as the value of your estate fluctuates, the exact numbers to go to your church and family can change without any need to change the final distribution you have set up.
      • To learn more about how you can leave a legacy gift contact Angie Ziliak at or call 317-352-9196 Ext 13
  • Stock Transfer
    • You may transfer ownership of stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares to support St. John Lutheran Church & School. Marketable Securities are a great way to maximize your giving because you receive an immediate income tax deduction for the full fair value market value of your securities. In addition, you pay no capital gains tax on the difference between your cost and the fair market value. Check with your accountant and/or financial advisor before donating to see if this would work for you and to ascertain the best transfer of your assets.
    • To Donate Stock:
      • Contact your broker and let them know that you wish to have a DTC Transfer of stock to St. John Lutheran Church & School.
      • Instruct you broker to process specific stock(s) with a targeted date to St. John Lutheran Church & School, 6630 Southeastern Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46203
      • Schwab Account Number: 72356188 DTC Number: 0188
      • Notify Angie Ziliak that a transfer is in process at or call (317)352-9196 Extension 13.

Give Your Time

Give Your Time

Ecclesiastes 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

St. John offers many volunteer opportunities, including regular service in worship through ushering and altar guild, as well as more seasonal and one-time opportunities for special events. Youth also regularly serve in and outside of church. Many opportunities allow for flexibility in time commitment. Giving of time not only provides a service to the St. John community, but it builds up the body of Christ in fellowship and witness.

Give Your Time

Give Your Talent

Give Your Talent

1 Corinthians 12: 5-6 "There are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone."

Has the Lord blessed you with a special talent that you want to share? There are lots of ways you can do that at St. John. Special skills in music, technology, tutoring, event planning, building and equipment maintenance, name just a few of the talents our community shares and benefits from. Our leadership boards also rely on our members who have a passion for different areas of ministry. We praise the Lord for all of the talents he has given us and allowed us to share.

Share Your Talent

Tax Information

For any questions about generosity, our giving team is ready to help!