Stained Glass Restoration Project

Help Us Restore Our Historic Stained Glass Windows

At St. John, we want our stained glass windows to continue to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus for our community for generations to come. 

“The windows create a sense of community for those who sit in the pews and are surrounded by [the events of the life of their Savior].”

The windows are also representative of St. John, as our guiding statement is carried out in worship, fellowship, in service and witness to our surrounding community: Cultivating Christ’s community through courageous discipleship and compassionate action. 

Read more about the initiative below!

The History

St. John's sanctuary was built in 1927 with the original stained glass created by Jacoby Art Glass Company of St. Louis. Each window was created with great attention and fine artistic detail. The quality of workmanship has been visible for nearly 100 years.

The windows were completed for an original contract cost of $2,775. Now, their beauty and value to the congregation and community have made these valuable works of art truly priceless

The various panels depict moments in the life of Christ, the announcement to the shepherds, young Jesus in the temple, baptism, Garden of Gethsemane, Empty Tomb, and Jesus the Good Shepherd.

The Plan

The Sanctuary’s historic stained glass windows have been fully disassembled, restored, reassembled and installed by Cathedral Crafts. These windows have been a part of this worship space for nearly one hundred years. While adding beauty to the worship space, these windows also help communicate God’s love through their depictions of Jesus. Like all the gifts that God gives, God charges His people to properly steward those gifts to the best of their abilities

The Restoration Process

The Goal

Restore an important aspect of our church to members, create a greater sense of community, be surrounded by images from the Bible, use as a tool through teaching and worship, and use the sanctuary to serve a greater purpose to the congregation and community for the next 100+ years.

Join the Stained Glass Project

We invite you to partner with us in restoring these historic parts of our church.

Join the Restoration