11/28 News and Notes
Advent and Christmas Series
Join us for our Advent and Christmas Series, "Savior of the Nations Come!" Saturdays at 4:30, Sundays at 8:00 and 10:45, and Wednesdays at 6:30.
Theme Verse: John Ch. 1: "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth."
Theme Hymn: Savior of the Nations Come (LSB 332)
Nov30/Dec 1 The Invitation
Dec. 4 "The Light Through God's Old Testament People" presented by Fifth through
Eighth Grade students
Dec 7/8 The Announcement
Dec. 11 "His Name is Jesus" presented by Pre-K and Kindergarten students
Dec 14/15 His Throne
Dec. 18 "CHRISMONS~~They Point to Jesus" presented by the First through
Fourth Grade students
Dec 21/22 Are You Ready?
December 24 Christmas Eve, 6:30 and 10:00pm
December 25 Christmas Day, 10:00am
Lunch and Learn
We will be traveling to the Holcomb Observatory at Butler University on December 5. Some will meet at church to carpool, please be to the Observatory by 11am for our tour. Cost is $3 and there is a small fee to park in the garage on campus. We will then meet at Chatham Tap, next to the garage for lunch. We hope to see you there!
Christmas Concert
December 8 at 4 pm in the Dwelling Place, join our adult choir and handbell choirs as we ring and sing in the Advent and Christmas season, and as we prepare for the coming of the Savior of the Nations.
Senior Pastor Call Committee Update
The Call Committee met last week to review the list of candidates and will be scheduling Zoom conversations with a number of them to take place throughout December.
Part-Time Help Wanted
Come grow with us! St. John Lutheran Childcare is looking to expand our staff as our enrollment increases. Click HERE for more information, or please contact Director, Lori Forgey, at 317-352-9196 ext. 34 or
Great News!
We have upgraded our streaming provider platform. Sunday services are still streamed through Facebook, but also available at stjohnindy.org/live. The most recent service can be viewed later on the website, or archives of services will also be available.
Pampered Chef Fundraiser
The Youth Group is raising funds to attend the Youth Gathering in New Orleans next summer. Click HERE to order online! You can also pick up a catalog in the Commons. Orders placed by December 8 will ensure delivery in time for Christmas.
Christmas Caroling
St. John Middle and High School Youth (and adults are welcome too!) will be going Christmas Caroling December 15 in the afternoon. If you or someone you know would like a visit from our carolers, please let Matthew Frick know. Afterward, we will return to St. John for the youth Christmas party.
Upcoming Christmas Events
- LHS Christmas Concert - December 13, 7pm in the Ruth Lilly Auditorium
- Jingle Jubilee - December 14, 9-11:30 am, St. John Lutheran School
- Abendmusik Concert - December 19, 7pm, Advent Lutheran Church and School, Zionsville.
Christmas Decorating
Join the St. John community as we prepare the Sanctuary, Dwelling Place, and Commons for the upcoming Advent and Christmas seasons.
Painters Wanted
The Board of Trustees is seeking people who would be willing to volunteer some of their time to paint in the Commons and the Church and School Office. This could be done on your own time and is more fun with a friend! Please contact Michael Collins if you are interested.
LWML Mite Sunday
This and every first weekend of the month, LWML collects “mites” in the form of loose change, cash, or check, to support missions around the world.
This month’s mission focus:
Healthy Together: Healthy Workers, Healthy Church - Lutheran Family Service
Life Connection Events and Kits - Lutherans For Life
We will once again be participating in Toys for Tots with collection bins at the church and school. Please bring new, unwrapped toys by December 20.
Click here for the December Prayer Calendar
Readings This Week:
- Jeremiah 33:14-16
- 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13
- Luke 21:25-36
Stewardship at St. John
- Attendance - Last Week: 252
As of 11-16/17
- Tithes and Offerings - Last Week: $19,203
- Tithes and Offerings - YTD Budget: $854,899
- Tithes and Offerings - YTD Actual: $849,543
- Stained Glass Windows - 70% Funded
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