Worship | 06/16/2024

6/14 News and Notes


Senior Pastor Call Committee Update

The Committee has received additional names from the Indiana District, and will soon be conducting conversations with potential senior pastor candidates. Please continue to lift up the Call Committee and this process in prayer. 


6/9 Voters’ Meeting Results

  • School plumbing repair approved, work has begun and there is currently no water access on the school side of the building.

  • Call extended to Mrs. Pam Johnson, Director of Parish Music (part-time)

  • Read More HERE

LWML Convention Invitation - ALL women are invited to attend one or all three days of the Indiana District LWML Convention June 21 - 23, 2024 at the Hendricks County 4-H Conference Center in Danville, IN.   

Click HERE to learn more. You may also contact Nancy Steele.

Stewardship at St. John

Attendance - Last Week                             279

Tithes and Offerings – Last Week                                  $15,944


Tithes and Offerings – year to date actual 2024              $437,885

Tithes and Offerings – year to date budget 2024             $426,381


Stained Glass Windows – Total                                      $168,982

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