8/30 News and Notes
August 23, 2024
Cultivating Christ's Community
Janitorial Services - The Board of Trustees is currently accepting bids for janitorial services for the church, school, and childcare. If you or someone you know is interested in submitting a bid, please contact Michael Collins.
Lunch and Learn - On September 5 at 11:30 we will welcome Christena (Jones) Estby as our speaker. She is an Indianapolis native, LHS alumna, pastor’s wife, mother, and author of Greater than Grief: Two Brothers Against Duchenne. Spaghetti and garlic bread will be provided, please bring a side or salad to share.
Adult Choir will be commencing rehearsals beginning Thursday, September 12, at 7 p.m. In the Music Room. Enter door C9 from the back parking lot. High school age and beyond are welcome to participate.
We would love to have new faces and new voices join with us in praising God and enhancing our worship services. Please prayerfully consider this as a way for you to serve our Lord at St. John with your time and talents. Contact Pam Johnson for further information.
Labor Day - The church and school office will be closed Monday, September 2.
Bible Study - Noah Schroeder’s Bible study will not meet this Sunday. The class will begin studying the Gospel of John Sunday, September 8.
Wednesday Adult Bible Study will not meet September 4.
Men’s Breakfast Bible Study will meet Saturday, September 7 at 7:30am in the teacher work room. RSVP HERE.
Courageous Discipleship
Sunday School - begins next week! Please feel free to invite friends and neighbors who want their children to know the joy of the love of Jesus. We are grateful to those who have volunteered to teach, and could still use a couple more people for each class, especially Post-Confirmation. If you are being called to lead little ones to Jesus, please contact Matthew Frick.
Youth Confirmation - begins September 15. Acolyte training will be held next Sunday, September 8, between services.
Women of the Word - resumes September 9. We meet Monday mornings at 9:30 in the Commons. We will be discussing and choosing our topic for the season. All are welcome to join us! We look forward to being in the Word with you!
Youth Group - Senior High Youth Group will meet Sunday, September 8, from 6-8pm in the Youth Center (enter door C8). All high school students are welcome and encouraged to invite friends! We will be making plans for activities and events for the upcoming season. Parents, to be added to the email list and/or GroupMe, please contact Matthew Frick.
Restore the Hope - The Trinity LWML invites all ladies to hear Scott Swan, WTHR news anchor, share "The Hope You Need Today" on Saturday, September 14 from 9-11am. Join us for Christian fellowship, devotions and music in the Trinity Commons, 8540 East 16th Street. Come and be restored with HOPE !
Compassionate Action
Now Hiring energetic individuals passionate about early childhood!
Click Here for the Full Job Posting! Click Here to Apply!
Mite Sunday - LWML is collecting this month for Zoe's Home, A Maternity and Parenting Home, in Clinton, MO.
Stewardship at St. John
- Attendance - Last Week 328
- Tithes and Offerings - Last Week $14,107
- Tithes and Offerings - YTD Actual $643,346
- Tithes and Offerings - YTD Budget $642,677
- Stained Glass Windows - Total $180,607
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