9/6 News and Notes
Update on Senior Pastor Call Process
The Call Committee met on Wednesday, September 4th and has requested additional names from the Indiana District. If anyone in the congregation has a name they would like to submit for consideration, please contact Committee Chair Jon Knoll or Matthew Frick by September 22. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Update on Church and School Pastor
The Board of Elders have approved a job description for an Assistant/Associate Pastor of Church and School. As was previously shared, this position would focus on providing pastoral care to school families and staff in coordination with the Senior Pastor and other staff and leadership.
The elders also agreed that it was best to pursue filling this position through the Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) Program of the LCMS and have identified Noah Schroeder as the candidate for this program.
There will be a series of town hall meetings in September and October to share more about this position, the SMP program, and next steps for St. John.
Sunday School
Begins this Sunday! Children of all ages are invited to join us! To celebrate the start of Sunday School, all children will receive a free Arch book and there will be treats between services, provided by the Mission Board. Please feel free to invite friends and neighbors who want their children to know the joy of the love of Jesus.
Adult Bible Study, Sunday Morning:
Gospel of John, Music room (Begins 9/15)
Current Events and the Scriptures, Library
Ladies Aid - Ladies, you are invited! The Ladies Aid and Mission Society will meet on Thursday, Sept. 12th. at 11:30 in the Commons. Please bring a sack lunch. Drinks will be provided. The ladies who went to the LWML Convention will share their experiences. Join us! Hear about the Convention and share summer experiences.
Adult Choir rehearsals resume Thursday, September 12, at 7 p.m. In the Music Room. Enter door C9 from the back parking lot.
High school age and beyond are welcome to participate.
We would love to have new faces and new voices join with us in praising God and enhancing our worship services. Please prayerfully consider this as a way for you to serve our Lord at St. John with your time and talents. Contact Pam Johnson for further information.
Click Here to Order Tickets by September 9th!
Youth Group - Sunday, September 8, from 6-8pm in the Youth Center (enter door C8). All high school students are welcome and encouraged to invite friends! We will be making plans for activities and events for the upcoming season. Parents, to be added to the email list and/or GroupMe, please contact Matthew Frick.
Youth Confirmation - begins September 15. Acolyte training will be held this Sunday, September 8, between services.
Be a Prayer Partner - The Mission Board will be restarting the Prayer Partner program for our Confirmation students. Please prayerfully consider participating in this important ministry to provide prayerful support of our students as they prepare to confirm the faith given to them in Baptism. A sign up will be available next week.
Men’s Breakfast Bible Study - Saturday, September 7 at 7:30am in the teacher work room. (Enter door C9) RSVP HERE.
Women of the Word - resuming September 9, meets Monday mornings at 9:30 in the Commons. We will be discussing and choosing our topic for the season. All are welcome to join us! We look forward to being in the Word with you!
Restore the Hope -
Saturday, September 14 from 9-11am.
Christian fellowship, devotions and music
Scott Swan, WTHR news anchor, will share "The Hope You Need Today"
Hosted by Trinity Lutheran Church LWML, 8540 East 16th Street.
Quilt Display - There will be a quilt display hanging from the balcony in the sanctuary and at tables in the commons the weekend of September 20/21. These quilts were made by the quilting group at St. John for Lutheran World Relief, who ship them around the world and distribute them to people in need. The cost for shipping each quilt overseas is $3.50, and there will be a donation box if you would like to help with this expense. We also accept donations of sheets, materials, and blankets to be able to make more quilts.
Click Here for the September Prayer Calendar
Readings This Week:
Isaiah 35:4-7a
James 2:1-10, 14-18
Mark 7: 24-37
Stewardship at St. John
Attendance - Last Week 254
Tithes and Offerings - Last Week $16,921
Tithes and Offerings - YTD Actual $660,267
Tithes and Offerings - YTD Budget $661,515
Stained Glass Windows - Total $180,922
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