
Celebrating Lutheran High School

Paul tells the Thessalonian Christians, "For how can we thank God enough for you, for all the joy we feel because of you before our God?”  This reflects how we feel about you, the members of St. John Lutheran Church, and your support of Lutheran High School.  I’m Monica Wagner, a 1989 graduate of Lutheran High School. Currently I teach English and coach the Academic Competition teams at Lutheran High School.  Since my mother began teaching at Lutheran in 1981, Lutheran High School has been a significant part of my life, and I cannot imagine what it would be like to teach anywhere else.  My students and colleagues genuinely care for and pray for each other, and it is evident in the classrooms, hallways, and common areas.  Each teacher begins his or her first period class with devotions, and many teachers have devotions to begin each class period.  Through our weekly chapel services, students encounter a variety of worship styles and messages from local pastors, their own teachers, and other members of the Lutheran community, such as Camp Lakeview.  Students have a chance to participate in worship through our Praise Band. 

In addition to the commitment Lutheran High School has to strengthen the faith of its students, we are committed to providing the best academic experience for our students. We have a diverse academic program that provides Advanced Placement courses for juniors and seniors, dual credit college-level courses for seniors through Indiana University’s Advance College Project program.  We offer Honors courses in most subject areas for students. Teachers are willing to provide extra help for those who struggle: it is not uncommon to see teachers with students in their rooms after school who are seeking extra help.   

Lutheran High School also offers a variety of co-curricular programs.  While athletics seem to consume the majority of our attention, students have a chance to participate in whatever interests them.  We have a wonderful theatre program, Academic Competitions, Robotics Club, Civil Air Patrol, Praise Band and other musical groups.  Students can show their leadership skills as Ambassadors and National Honor Society members.

Please continue to pray for Lutheran High School as we work to fulfill our mission of preparing young adults for a Christian life while providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment.