
Church Newsletter: May 12, 2023

Pastor Watt has a great message to share about our Financial Update.

Click here to view his message

There will be no livestreaming for the Traditional 8am service this weekend due to staff unavailability.  We plan on continuing the Traditional 8am livestream next Sunday, May 21. Thank you for your understanding. 

After many heartbreaking prayers, Phil and Kat W. have decided to move to Canada. We are thankful to Kat and her 3 years of ministry and service to St. John Lutheran Church and School. We wish them many blessings on their move. Kat's last day in the office is today, Friday, May 12th. In the meantime, Kat, Pastor Watt, Doug P., our Congregational Chairman, and Bennett V., our Treasurer, have put together a transition plan to ensure that the Business Office of St. John will continue to function until Kat's replacement is found. Ivonne Z. will come in to help with the day-to-day responsibilities for 20 to 25 hours per week and Kat will continue to work from Canada on financial statements, cash reconciliations, tuition/budget, etc.  Shannon V. will also be able to help you with any questions about payroll, invoices, script cards,  deposits, etc.

We are blessed that Ann K., who replaced Morgan H. as the interim Kindergarten teacher, will be staying at St. John as a preschool teacher. 
The Teacher Call Committee (Beth Knight, Jeff Huntington, Laura Collins, Paloma Duncan, Noah Schroeder, Justin Hunt, Desiree Caruso, Rachel Gruber, and Michele Huske) conducted several interviews last week and hope to have more soon. 
The Principal Call Committee (Beth Knight, Michelle Smith, Emily Rode, Rick Kerr, Heidi Mielke, and Toni Vaught) will be surveying teachers and staff on what they would like in a Principal. We have a couple of candidates that we will be interviewing soon. 
Please continue to keep the committees, candidates, and St. John Lutheran School in your prayers.  
Summer Education Hour Volunteers Needed 
As Adult Sunday education hour will continue throughout the summer we are wanting to continue children's Sunday education hour as well.  We are looking for some volunteers to help. This would be a low-commitment, perhaps only one Sunday for the summer, to supervise and lead education hour for a multi-age group of children with materials provided. If you are able, please sign up here
. Thank you for being willing to help us provide Christian education for our children throughout the summer. 
Lunch and Learn Adult Ministry is sponsoring a day at Victory Field on Wednesday June 21.  Reserved seats on the left field line and a buffet style lunch for a cost of $31.00 per person.  Lunch includes hamburgers, hot dogs, pulled chicken, sides, soft drinks, and adult beverage.  We will travel by bus to the ball park from St. John leaving at noon.  Door to door service if you will!  Please RSVP To Paul Johnson or Matthew Frick ( ) by May 31 if you wish to attend.  Adults only please.  Meal is from 12:30-1:45 and first pitch is at 1:30.  Hope to hear from you soon.

Don’t forget Randy Ollis is here Thursday June 1.
New Member Weekend - On May 20 and 21 we will welcome 14 individuals and families into membership at St. John. The Rite of New Member Reception will occur at all three services, and there will be a special celebration with refreshments between the services on Sunday. Please join us as we welcome these new members into our congregation! 
"God's Living Water" Vacation Bible School 2023 at St. John 
VBS participation registration is NOW OPEN
.  VBS is for Pre-K-4th Grade. Please click here to register your child.  VBS will be held from 6-8pm June 5-8. 

Volunteers are needed to help make this event a great success for students in pre-school through 4th grade. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out THIS FORM to indicate your availability and area of interest. Planning meetings will be scheduled in the coming weeks. Registration for VBS participants will be starting soon! Please contact Jamie Belschner,  , if you have any questions. 
Little Wings - Little Wings childcare ministry is hiring. Applicants need to be at least 18 years of age for part-time day positions, and applicants seeking after school work need to be at least 15 years of age. Childcare workers are needed between the hours of 7 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Hours of work can range from 5 - 30 hours per week. If you are interested in working one day per week, we strive to work around all schedule availability.If you are interested please contact Lori Forgey ( )
St. John was recently gifted with a new Christ Candle in the Sanctuary by the Herre family in memory of their beloved husband, father, and grandfather Jim. The Christ Candle was dedicated, on April 16 at the 8:00 service.  We thank the family for this beautiful addition to our worship space. To God be the glory and praise!
The Trustees will be having a work day on Saturday, May 13th at 9am. All are welcome to help. Please bring work gloves.
Click here for Sunday's bulletin
Click here for the Weekly Prayers