Church Newsletter: October 22, 2023
Senior Pastor Call
Rev. Joe Hoem has returned the Call to St. John, stating his desire to continue serving at St. Paul in Fort Wayne. Please continue to keep Pastor Hoem, his current congregation, and the St. John Call process in your prayers.
Information on next steps from the Call Committee will be available soon.
Stewardship and discipleship include giving our time and talents. We are currently seeking members of St. John willing to serve on a variety of church leadership boards such as elders, trustees, mission, stewardship, human care, youth, and Christian education. If you are willing to serve in this way, please contact Matthew Frick or Doug Pingel. Thank you for considering how you can cultivate Christ's community and show compassionate action at St. John.
Guest Speaker
On Sunday, October 22 at 6:30 pm, Rev. Jeff Leininger will speak at St. John. Pastor Leininger is the former campus pastor at Concordia Chicago and the author of the book, Callings for Life: God's Plan Your Purpose (available at Youth and their parents are invited to join fellow area Lutheran Church youth groups.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month
There is a basket on the Welcome Center if you would like to leave a card or token of appreciation for Pastor Luke. We are grateful to God for Pastor Luke's service to St. John.
SugarPlum Holiday Fair
The SugarPlum Holiday Fair will be held at LHS on Saturday, October 28 from 9am-3pm. Admission is $2 or two canned goods, which will be donated to Emmaus food pantry. Over 100 vendors plus concessions served all day and performances from LHS will be sure to put you in the holiday spirit! The SugarPlum Holiday Fair benefits the LHS Fine Arts Booster Club. See you there!
Women in Mission
Mark your calendars! LWML Indianapolis East and West Zones Fall Gathering at St. John Lutheran Church on Saturday morning, November 4. Food, fellowship, and mission speakers plus a quilt display. All women are invited to attend. More information coming soon.
Trunk or Treat
Be sure to join your St. John Community on Friday, October 27 from 6-7 pm for our annual Trunk or Treat! Families are invited to host a trunk or simply attend. Set up begins at 5 pm. Family friendly costumes are encouraged. Sign up on the Welcome Center or through the link in the E-news.
Reformation Fest
Our annual Reformation Fest will be held Sunday, October 29, 12-3 pm. Join your St. John Community for food, drink, and fellowship! There will also be a hay ride for the kids! Sign up on the Welcome Center or through the link in the E-news.
Reformation Service
The Festival of the Reformation will be observed at St. Peter's Lutheran Church (2525 E. 11st Street, Indianapolis, IN 46201) on Tuesday, October 31 2023 with Divine Service at 7p. You're invited! Come join your Brothers and Sisters in Christ and observe the Festival of the Reformation plus Glemütlichkeit (fellowship) following! You are welcome to bring something to share.
Marriage Retreat
November 4th at Advent Lutheran, led by a local Lutheran clergy and lay leaders. Free with lunch and childcare provided. More information in the Welcome Center.