01/24/2019 | Heidi Mielke

Community Ministry Grant Comes to a Close

God did not make believers islands unto themselves. He placed us into relationships with one another. Indeed, He made us one body (1 Cor. 12:14-27).


The Community Ministry Grant comes to a close; but the relationships continue.  I recently sat down with Ivonne Zimmer and interviewed her about the Community Ministry Grant. 


Please give a brief description of our church’s project:
Our mutual community ministry is to come together in our desire to help and strengthen families through our community partners. Initially our partners were our guests and we were their hosts. Our partners continue to use our facilities for meetings, workshops, and a place to get away. Many here have had the opportunity to serve as hosts for these gatherings; and they have formed relationships with our partners' associates and clients. Two of our partners that care for children with autism spectrum disorder are in our facilities year round to provide therapy for children. Our relationship with the Children's Bureau has a member involving her nursing students to partner with the Children's Bureau staff in their various locations.

Was the project a success? What were some of the measurable results?
Yes the project was a success.

(1) Three major workshops (150+ people) are scheduled for 2019.

(2) Several support groups meet monthly and several are forming support groups since they know our facility and hosts are ready to go.

(3) Our in-gatherings for baby clothes, food, toys, and more are now going to our partners.

(4) We are inclusive in the area of children with special needs by allowing therapists to work with their clients here.

(5) We are reaching to strengthen families with special needs adults and children by hosting http://www.stjohnindy.org/church/night-to-shine/about-night-to-shine/.

In what ways has this project made a difference in the life of our church? 
The Community Ministry Project has strengthened our congregation to look beyond our walls and focus on family ministry in a different way. By meeting and interacting with others "within" our walls our members have learned to reach out. There is an excitement about projects like "Night to Shine" which will include our partners.  Also, we have been known to be gatherers. We like to gather food, clothing, backpacks, and more. Now we have community partners to receive them and have another way to be in relationship with them. 

Did you have an aha moment? 

Yes I was hosting a Children’s Bureau Support Group.  These adoptive and foster families meet monthly.  One of the fathers told me that it was nice to come inside our building.  I asked him why.  He said that he had driven by St. John for over ten years on his way to work downtown!  I was later excited to learn that his children attended our VBS. 

What are the last steps of the project? 
Our partners asked for a "third" space for smaller groups to meet. We recently added a seating arrangement in the Commons for this.  This area is also a nice spot for parents to take their children out of a worship service if they need to.  We will be adding some children’s books and sensory items in this area. 

What might be next steps for St. John? What future projects might follow this one?
Next steps may include assessing our building spaces and see if we could make them be more inclusive for people with disabilities.  We also might consider seeing how we can update the rest of our Commons for better community space (and to better serve) millennials.


Learn more about our partners and see our video.  http://www.stjohnindy.org/church/serve/in-the-world/community-partners/