January 10 News and Notes
Voters’ Meeting January 19th
A Voters’ Meeting will be held Sunday, January 19th, immediately following the 10:45 service for the purpose of issuing a Call for Senior Pastor. A previous email was sent with some basic background on the two candidates that will be presented. Additional information, including that provided by the Indiana District and a summary from each candidate’s conversation with the Call Committee, will be available in the church and school office during regular business hours (8:00am-4pm) or by appointment. Please make plans to attend this meeting and keep our congregation in your prayers as we seek the Lord’s guidance for our next Senior Pastor.
Offering Envelopes
2025 offering envelopes are available to be picked up in the Commons. You can also set up online giving at stjohnindy.org/give If you have any questions, please email .
Friday Night Fitness
Friday Night Fitness is back! Start the new year off right and join us Friday, January 3rd for a Zumba-style fitness class to burn off some holiday calories and enjoy fellowship with your St. John community! All are welcome!
Great News!
We have upgraded our streaming provider platform. Sunday services are still streamed through Facebook, but are also available at stjohnindy.org/live. The most recent service can be viewed later on the website, or archives of services will also be available.
Utilize these resources to courageously pursue discipleship in this coming year:
Right Now Media - Bible studies, video series, kids’ content
Worship Anew - Daily Devotionals and Worship programs presented with aging adults in mind, but helpful for all ages.
Lutheran Hour Ministries - Daily Devotions, wide variety of materials and topics
KFUO.org - Podcasts, devotionals, and other streaming content
Camp Lakeview
Applications are now open for Junior Staff. Must be in 9th grade and apply by February 1st. They are especially in need of boys to be on Junior Staff. Find out more and apply at lakeview.camp/juniorstaff
Readings This Week:
- Isaiah 60:1-6
- Romans 6:1-11
- Matthew 2:1-12
- Luke 3:15-22
Stewardship at St. John
- Attendance - Last Week: 264
- Tithes and Offerings - Last Two Weeks of December ‘24: $75,912
- Tithes and Offerings - YTD Budget: $964,000
- Tithes and Offerings - YTD Actual: $1,002,215
- Stained Glass Windows - $205,498
Stay Connected
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If you have something to share in the News and Notes and E-News, please send it to by the Wednesday before the desired publication date.