Worship | 06/30/2024

June 27 News and Notes

Ordination Anniversary

This weekend we are blessed to celebrate with Pastor Good the 40th Anniversary of his ordination.  Pastor Good’s ministry as vacancy pastor and circuit visitor is a blessing to St. John.  As a congregation, we take this opportunity to thank Pastor Good for his service to the Lord and pray God’s continued blessings on his ministry.


Senior Pastor Call Committee Update

The Committee has received additional names from the Indiana District, and is in the process of conducting conversations with potential senior pastor candidates. Please continue to lift up the Call Committee and this process in prayer. 

Youth Gathering - There will be another Youth Gathering information meeting on Sunday, June 30, at 6:30 in the Music Room. This is especially for parents and youth that were unable to make the meeting in April, however new updates will also be shared that have developed since then. Students currently entering 8th grade through Senior year in high school are eligible to attend the Youth Gathering, which takes place July 19-24, 2025 in New Orleans. Please contact Matthew Frick if you have any questions.

Stewardship at St. John

Attendance - Last Week                          228

Tithes and Offerings – Last Week                                  $12,742

Tithes and Offerings – year to date actual 2024              $466,161

Tithes and Offerings – year to date budget 2024             $463,057


Stained Glass Windows – Total                                      $169,542

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