
Little Wings Pick a Date to Donate

Pick a Date Fundraiser begins Monday July 1st and extend through the 31st. 

 Pick a Day allows families and church members to support Little Wings Childcare Ministry via social media, in person, from family, neighbors, coworkers and friends by asking them to pick a date from the calendar and donate that amount.  For example, if someone wants to pick July 3rd and 14th, that person will pay $3 + $14 or $17.00.  If someone wants to pick July 20th, that person will donate $20.00, and so on.  An individual can choose 1 day or multiple days to donate, simply totaling the number of all days chosen.  Individuals are to write the donors name on the calendar for his/her chosen day(s) and then try to have other individuals choose the other days to donate.
**Individual donations are also being accepted in lieu of filling a calendar.
Funds raised will be used for new outdoor playsets/equipment for the Little Wings Children to enjoy! Thank you for your generosity! 

Click HERE to donate online.  Please designate Little Wings.   

Click HERE for the Pick a Date Calendar