03/08/2017 | Phil Jaseph

Many Ways to Reach out During Lent

Part of our identity as Christians at St. John Lutheran is about coming together as a community to meet the needs of others. We do this in a variety of ways, and continue to look to the future as we find new ways to do this.

Lent is no reason for us to stop thinking like this, and so we give you two easy ways to support ministry that I want to highlight.

You may have noticed the Lenten coin folders at the coffee bar and the welcome desk. We have done these for some time, and the quarters filling the folder will go to support our Human Care Board and funds they can use to help visitors in need. I began filling mine the other day, and remembered I am a coin hoarder. Mine is almost filled already, but you can certainly wait to put in a quarter every day of Lent, too.

Our Lenten soup suppers are supporting outside ministries. March 1st and 8th’s free will offerings go to support our Indiana LCMS District Office and their staff and outreach. March 16th’s offering will support Racine Lutheran High School. March 22nd and 29th will support the Lutheran Multicultural Mission here in Indianapolis, and April 5th will support Camp Lakeview. If you feel so moved and enjoy the food our volunteers provide, consider contributing $5 or $6, which I think is the going rate of a Subway foot-long these days. Instead of a sandwich, you get a whole meal, though! Plus, we’re friendlier, at least that’s my opinion.

As we talk about giving, it may interest you to know that almost a quarter of the gifts to our congregation are given by using our free online giving option. This may seem like an extra step to those who choose not to use it, but just think about it for a moment: no more writing checks, no more forgetting checks, no more fumbling in pockets for bills. You can automate the amount you’d like to give to St. John, or change it from week to week. There are also a variety of options to choose for your gift to support. From the unified budget, the school, memorials, Fearless with god’s Gifts, or even special offerings to be designated by you, there are a variety of ways you can impact our daily life and ministry at St. John Lutheran! Just click the “Give Online” link on our Church page, or contact Ivonne Zimmer to get started.