
March 21 News and Notes


Dying to Live: The Power of Forgiveness - Lent 2025 -

Join us for the next in our Lenten Series this coming Wednesday, March 19. This week’s theme is “Holy Baptism: Water of Life.” A fellowship meal of pulled pork sandwiches and sides will be offered by the Ladies’ Aid at 5:00pm, and the service begins at 6:30.

Save the Date for Pastor Duling’s Installation

Rev. Collin Duling will be installed as Senior Pastor of St. John at a special service on Thursday, May 1 at 6:30pm. A reception will follow. More information will be forthcoming. Please continue to keep Pastor Duling and his family in your prayers as they plan to relocate to Indiana.

Spring Break

We will take Sunday, March 23 off from regular Sunday School classes to accommodate spring break, however there will be a one-room class offered for any students 3rd grade and under who would like to attend. Noah Schroeder’s adult class will also not meet. Classes will resume March 30.

Additionally, the Church and School office will be closed most of the week of March 24-28. Staff are available by email and phone.

Easter Egg Donations

It’s that time of year! Please help make our Easter Egg Hunt a success by contributing donations of individually wrapped candy, snacks, or other small items (stickers, etc) that can be used to fill the eggs for the children to find! Please drop off donations by April 6th. The Easter Egg Hunt will take place Saturday, April 12th at 10am.

Leaving a Legacy Workshop - Save the date! 

Hosted by Thrivent Financial Advisor, Nic Elizondo, Sunday, March 30 at 12:30 at St. John. Lunch will be provided, an RSVP is required to attend.    or 317-832-6469.

Worship Anew

The St. John choir will be providing music for Worship Anew Sunday services March 23. Be sure to tune in on worshipanew.org, their mobile app, YouTube, and Facebook pages.  

Now Available on the Welcome Center

“Servant of the Lord” Lent devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries.

“My Devotions” daily devotions for young Christians, March-May edition.

“Portals of Prayer” daily devotional, April-June edition.

Did You Know

St. John offers members a free subscription to RightNow Media, which is a source for a wide variety of Bible studies, education, and kids’ content. New content is being added all the time. Get started today at RightNowMedia.org

Youth Service Opportunities

March 29th, 10am - A senior member of St. John needs assistance with moving.

April 6th, 3pm - A member of St. John needs assistance with leaf removal in their yard.

April 19th and 20th - Youth are needed to help set up for and serve the Easter breakfast.

Please contact Matthew Frick if you’re able to help and for more information.


Walk-a-thon is back! Save the date for this important event May 16th. Materials will be sent home with SJLS students in April. In the meantime, talk to your friends and family about considering a sponsorship. The proceeds of this event will benefit our school. If you would like to sponsor or have any questions, please contact  .

Lutheran High School News

Open Coaching Positions 

Assistant Girls Tennis (immediate opening) and Head Girls Soccer (for fall 2025). Qualified and interested candidates should contact Tom Finchum by April 3.


A celebration will be held for retiring Athletic Director Tom Finchum Sunday, April 27 beginning at 1pm in the Ruth Lilly Auditorium.

Nominations Sought - Alumnus of the Year

Criteria for the award are: an active faith and involvement in the church; consistent service and leadership in their local community; and a record of achievement in their chosen profession. Nominate at lhsi.org.

Scholarships Available

Several scholarships are available to our  current students and graduates: the Salvatore and Marjorie Gioe Memorial Scholarship, the Henry Arnold Kespohl Scholarship, and/or the Denecke Scholarship. Find more information and apply online at lhsi.org. Please submit applications by April 15.

St. John School Fundraiser

Save the date for our Yard Sale fundraiser May 31. We will begin collecting items such as gently used clothes, uniforms, household items, sporting goods, jewelry, toys and other items the weekend of May 24-25. Proceeds will go toward the purchase of a new laminator for the school.

Click Here for the March Prayer Calendar

Readings This Week:

  • Ezekiel 33:7-201
  • Corinthians 10:1-13
  • Luke 13:1-9

Stewardship at St. John

  • Attendance Last Week - 268
  • Wednesday Lenten Service - 164    

Did you know that the 2025 budget for tithings has a 15% increase beginning in May? This is to cover the costs of a new senior pastor as well as the vicar/associate pastor later this year. Please consider this need when planning your 2025 giving. Updates on actual vs budget will continue to be provided weekly. We appreciate your continued support! If you have any questions, feel free to contact Angie Ziliak at 


Prayer List



If you have something to share in the News and Notes and E-News, please send it to by the Wednesday before the desired publication date.