
March 7 News and Notes


Dying to Live: The Power of Forgiveness - Lent 2025 -

Join us for the next in our Lenten Series this coming Wednesday, March 12. This week’s theme is “Our Living Lord” A fellowship meal of sloppy Joes and hot dogs will be offered at 5:00pm, and the service begins at 6:30. The PreK and Kindergarten classes will be singing at this service.

Save the Date for Pastor Duling’s Installation

Rev. Collin Duling will be installed as Senior Pastor of St. John at a special service on Thursday, May 1 at 6:30pm. A reception will follow. More information will be forthcoming. Please continue to keep Pastor Duling and his family in your prayers as they plan to relocate to Indiana.

Special Voters’ Meeting

At the Voters’ Meeting on Sunday, March 2, the 29 voters present authorized the funds necessary for an urgent replacement of the controllers in the church HVAC system. This will entail accessing our line of credit to ensure the controllers are replaced in a timely manner.

Ladies’ Aid

All ladies are invited to the next meeting of the Ladies’ Aid and Mission Society on Thursday, March 13, beginning at 11:30. Please bring your own lunch, but desserts will be provided. Our program will feature a video about the building and exhibits of the Ark Encounter. Please join us!

Leaving a Legacy Workshop - Save the date! 

Hosted by Thrivent Financial Advisor, Nic Elizondo, Sunday, March 30 at 12:30 at St. John. Lunch will be provided, an RSVP is required to attend.    or 317-832-6469.

Worship Anew

The St. John choir will be providing music for Worship Anew Sunday services March 9, 16, and 23. Be sure to tune in on worshipanew.org, their mobile app, YouTube, and Facebook pages.  

Lent Devotions

Daily Lent devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries are available on the Welcome Center. Pick up your free copy this weekend!

We Believe, Teach, and Confess

A new information class began March 3 and meets Mondays from 5:30 to 7:00 for anyone interested in becoming a communicant member of St. John, or desiring a “refresher” course on the church’s teaching and application to modern times. It’s not too late to join!

40-Day Lenten Challenge

It’s not too late to participate in a 40-day Lenten challenge led by LHS campus pastor, Pastor Benzinger. Find more information at lhsi.org

Nominations Sought - LHS Alumnus of the Year

Criteria for the award are: an active faith and involvement in the church; consistent service and leadership in their local community; and a record of achievement in their chosen profession. Nominate an alumnus at lhsi.org.

Scholarships Available

Several scholarships are available to our Lutheran High School current students and graduates: the Salvatore and Marjorie Gioe Memorial Scholarship, the Henry Arnold Kespohl Scholarship, and/or the Denecke Scholarship. Find more information and apply online at lhsi.org. Please submit applications by April 15.


Preserving God’s House

As the Stained Glass Window campaign comes to a close, we would like to remind the congregation that the Preserving God’s House campaign is still active and accepting contributions. This special fund is to cover unplanned maintenance expense that arise. If you have questions, do not hesitate to reach out to the business office.

Click Here for the March Prayer Calendar

Readings This Week:

  • Deuteronomy 26:1-11
  • Romans 10:8b-13
  • Luke 4:1-13

Stewardship at St. John

  • Attendance - Last Week: 269
  • Ash Wednesday: 139
  • Tithes and Offerings – Last Week $17,405
  • Tithes and Offerings – year to date budget 2025    $159,838
  • Tithes and Offerings – year to date actual 2025     $154,129         


Prayer List



If you have something to share in the News and Notes and E-News, please send it to by the Wednesday before the desired publication date.