
Mission Trip Possible

Have you ever thought about participating in a mission trip to a foreign country?  Many of us have perhaps lacked the time, means or opportunity to actually pack our bags and experience a hands-on mission effort.  Now there is a way to share some of that experience without journeying any further than St John Lutheran Church and School.

Beginning with Missions Sunday on January 24, you can travel online to Guatemala and learn about the country and its people.  Pastors Ruiz and Main, representing Lutheran Multicultural Missions will begin the week of activities with a presentation in the Commons during the Sunday School hour.

The online mission trip to Guatemala then continues Monday through Thursday as part of the school curriculum for the week. Adults are encouraged to participate with their students  as the mission trip exposes us to the multiple facets of the Guatemalan culture.  Online study guides are in place for Pre-k through 4th grade and for grades 5 – 8.  The Wednesday morning Bible Study on January 27 will also be tied to the Guatemala mission experience.

Through this online mission trip to Guatemala all participants will have the opportunity to get to know Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) leaders in another country.  They will also gain insight into the people of a different culture and how the Gospel is being shared and spread in that country.  Additionally, they will learn how their involvement through prayer and financial support will go far in “making disciples of all nations”. The school’s chapel collection for the week will be earmarked for the LHM in Guatemala.

Make 2016 the year you take the time and welcome the opportunity to engage in a foreign mission trip. Guatemala is calling and offers a rich environment for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

For more information please visit the LHM website or email Paul Johnson or call 317.352.9196 ext. 36.