National Youth Gathering-Naomi Worth
Naomi Worth attended St. John Lutheran School and is currently a freshmen in High School. This will be her first time attending a National Youth Gathering. Here is what she has to say about going:
"I would like to go to NYG for multiple reasons. First, I think it'll be a great personal journey. Second, I would like to help others and continue to spread my faith and show others my love of Christ through my actions. I feel I'll learn a lot about myself and continue to build a better relationship with God. Not only am I looking forward to the trip, the education, and the fun, but, I'm looking forward to spending the week with such encouraging and kind peers around me. I'm looking forward to meeting new people and learning their story. I'm also looking forward to the break from all the business and stress in my life. I can't wait for the break from all the normal things. Getting to spend the week fully engaged in Christ is an incredible opportunity and I'm so happy and grateful that I get to be a part of it. I hope to build a better relationship with Christ throughout the week and as an end result. I hope to learn more about myself, as well as Christ, and others. I hope to strengthen my faith and learn how to be more confident in it. I hope to gain more trust in God and his plan for my life. I'm very excited to be in the same place as 10,000 other teenagers who're questioning and facing the same things that I am. I find a great amount of comfort in that. Being a teenager is hard and it can be even harder while trying to live out your faith. I am so happy to be able to go to NYG this summer!"
To learn more about the National Youth Gathering click here.
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