Stained Glass Final Push

Dear St. John Family,
We are grateful for how the Lord continues to bless St. John and we pray that we are able to continue to grow His kingdom through the work of our church and school. God has indeed blessed us, His people!
We are pleased to announce that the Stained Glass Window Project is now in its final phase of funding. Thanks to a recent very generous contribution, we are within $10,000 of fully funding the project and paying off the loan that was borrowed to complete the work.
In May of 2023, the congregation authorized borrowing $325,000 to fully restore all of the stained glass windows in our historic sanctuary, with Cathedral Crafts of Minnesota designated as the winning bidder. The work began that summer of completely removing, restoring, and replacing all of the 22 stained glass windows, framing, and protective glass. During this time the carpet in the sanctuary was also replaced and painting was done. The windows were reinstalled and a Rite of Re-Dedication was held in December, 2023. Photos and video of the work done can be found on Cathedral Crafts’ Youtube and Facebook pages. The project came in on time and under budget, at a total of $271,000. The windows are now completely safe and functional, not to mention brilliant and beautiful. They will now continue to adorn God’s house and proclaim the Gospel to our community for another 100+ years.
We are grateful for all who have contributed to this project thus far. Thanks to generous and sacrificial giving, we now have a final challenge before us: to completely pay off the remaining loan of $10,000. This will enable funds budgeted for principal and interest payments to be distributed to areas of greatest need in the general fund. Every gift is important.
You can give through the St. John app, or online. If you are unsure of how to set this up, please call the office 317-352-9196. You may also mail your check to:
St. John Lutheran Church and School
6630 Southeastern Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46203.
**Be sure to designate your gift to “Stained Glass Window Project.”
May God continue to bless us and the work He has given us to do!
Angie Ziliak
Development & Business Manager
(317) 352-9196 Ext. 13