Stained Glass Window Restoration Nears Completion
St. John Lutheran Restores Historic Windows
Full Restoration of Windows Nears Completion
Indianapolis, IN: St. John Lutheran Church on the southeast side of Indianapolis announced today the return of its historic stained glass windows after a 6-month full and complete restoration. The windows date to the construction of the 1927 historic sanctuary at the corner of Southeastern Avenue and Hunter Road. The stained glass windows were removed and shipped to the workshop of Cathedral Crafts, Inc. in Winona, Minnesota. There, all of the windows were broken down to be re-leaded and repaired. The windows are now being reinstalled with new and repaired framing and protective glass. The work is expected to be complete in early December, when the windows will be re-dedicated in service to the St. John congregation and wider community for generations to come.
St. John’s stained glass windows had reached the point in their lifespan of needing to be restored, so in an effort to properly steward this beautiful gift God has given St. John, the congregation has endeavored in a restoration project for these windows.
St. John Associate Pastor Luke Watt spoke on the significance of the project: “For over 170 years, God has blessed St. John Lutheran Church & School with many good gifts, including its campus and buildings. These windows have been a part of this worship space for nearly one hundred years. While adding beauty to the worship space, these windows also help communicate God’s love through their depictions of Jesus. Like all the gifts that God gives, God charges His people to properly steward those gifts to the best of their abilities.”
For more information the project and how you can contribute, please visit
The mission of St. John Lutheran Church and School is cultivating Christ’s community through courageous discipleship and compassionate action. Founded in 1872, St. John is one of the oldest Christian churches in Indianapolis. The 1,000 member congregation's ministry also includes an infant through 8th grade Christian Childcare and Grade School.