St. John News and Notes - November 4-5

The Call Committee met this week with Circuit Visitor Pastor Good. Because Indiana District President Stuckwisch recommends at least three names be presented at a Voters' meeting, the call committee will continue to work through its original list of names and conduct additional conversations with candidates, so as to bring additional candidates to the congregation for consideration. The two remaining eligible candidates from the initial two voters meetings will be included in this consideration. Please continue to keep the Call Committee and our congregation in your prayers as we continue to seek the Lord's will for our next senior pastor.
There will be a Voters' Meeting on Sunday, November 19, after the 10:45 service for the purpose of approving the 2024 budget and board assignments.
Marriage Retreat - Advent Lutheran Church in Zionsville is hosting a free marriage retreat on Saturday, November 4, from 9am-4:30pm. Free childcare and lunch are provided. For more full retreat schedule and information, click HERE. To register, click HERE.
St. John’s GriefShare Ministry - will be offering a “Surviving the Holidays” session on Monday, November 13, from 6:00-8:00 pm in the school music room. “Surviving the Holidays” offers practical help ahead of the holiday season for family members grieving the loss of a loved one. Enter through door C-9. For more information, visit www.Holidays.GriefShare.
Starting November 17, join us Friday evenings at 5:30 for Friday Night Cardio/Fitness. Think Zumba, then add abs, squats and fellowship! There is no cost and no dance experience is required. Ladies & gentlemen of all ages invited. Email Beth Wheeler at or text 317-407-4895 to be added to the contact list.
November 5th 5pm-7pm. High School Youth Group will meet at church. Food will be provided. We will fellowship and play games of some sort. All High School youth are welcome!
Junior Youth - On Sunday, November 12, from 2-4 pm, the Junior Youth (grades 5-8) will be going bowling at Strike Force Lanes in Greenfield. Cost is $10 which covers 2 hours of bowling and shoes. Please bring extra money for food and drink. Due to limited lanes availability, RSVPs and liability waivers are required.
CLICK HERE for the RSVP form, which allows you to pay in advance as well. Please RSVP by November 9. CLICK HERE for the liability waiver.
Email Lindsey Chapman with any questions.
Women in Mission, mark your calendars! LWML Indianapolis East and West Zones Fall Gathering at St. John Lutheran Church on Saturday morning, November 4 from 9-11:30. All women are invited to attend. Click HERE for more information.
Every first Sunday of the month LWML collects mites to be support missions around the world! Mites can be brought in the form of coins, cash, checks, or even online!
LADIES AID VETERANS DAY LUNCHEON Thursday, November 9, 11:30 AM in the Commons at St. John. Lunch, and program presented by Lincoln portrayer, Danny Russell.
Please RSVP to Jo Ann Hartley,
, 317-626-9601
The LAUNDRY SOAP previously offered that so many of us have come to appreciate is back! Again, all the different products are offered to meet your preferred laundry needs, along with trash bags. The products are not name brands found in stores but are equal in quality as previous users can attest, while being a great bargain! One $40 five-gallon bucket can last up to 200 loads. We will be running this sale for the next 3 weeks, through Monday, November 27, with delivery being sometime in early December. Please share this offer with your family, friends, and neighbors! The proceeds from this sale all go towards the STAINED GLASS RESTORATION PROJECT in the Sanctuary. Orders can be placed online or by filling out an order blank, also found on the Welcome Center. Questions can be directed to Pam Johnson: .
We are excited to announce the St. John PTL is sponsoring Scrip by RaiseRight Gift Cards. Some might remember or know this as Scrip Cards. Stock up now for gifts for Christmas and you and St. John benefit! For every gift card purchased through RaiseRight, St. John gets a portion of the money. Half of the Rebate will be donated to the PTL, the other half goes right back to YOU!
Please see this flyer to learn more.
Still not quite sure what it’s all about or how it works, watch this YouTube Video.
Ready to sign up and get started? Click here.
For any questions, please contact Amber Davis at
Servant Shout-Out - A big thank you to everyone who helped make ReformationFest a success! Briar Anderson, Chad Belschner and the boys’ basketball team, Bruce and Theresa Bangel, Pete and Carrie Bolden, Mitch and Lindsey Chapman, J. Ann Downing, Amy Hall, Chris and Tawnee Hinton, Paul and Pam Johnson, Margo Korb, Jayne Queck, Nancy Steele, Melanie Wilhelm, and Spencer Worth. Many St. John youth helped as well, including Maxwell and Liam Bolden, Jillian, Nick, and Owie Chapman, and Brooklyn and Savannah Hall. Apologies to anyone we may have missed. We also appreciate everyone who contributed delicious desserts, and those who helped take down tables and chairs and cleaned up. Thank you all for your efforts and service!
Reformation T-shirts - are $20 for short-sleeved and $25 for long-sleeved. Proceeds benefit the Stained Glass Window Restoration Project. Click THIS LINK to order and pay online.
The sanctuary stained glass windows will begin to be reinstalled on November 7. In addition to putting the restored windows back in place, deteriorated exterior millwork will be repaired and replaced, and new plate glass exterior protective framing and covering will be installed. The project is expected to be fully completed after Thanksgiving. You may make a gift to the Stained Glass Window Project HERE (Click "Stained-Glass Restoration Project" under the designation drop-down).
Save the Date for These Upcoming Events
November 4: Men's Breakfast Bible Study
November 5: Senior High Youth Group
November 9: Veterans Day Luncheon
November 12: Jr. Youth Bowling
November 19: Voters' Meeting
November 23: Thanksgiving Day Service
Stewardship at St. John
Last Week Attendance: 396
Last Week Giving: $16,362
Stained Glass Window Fund: $912 received last week.
Did you know Our Little Wings Childcare is at 100% capacity with 38 children? The waiting list includes 36 children.
Click here for this week's Bulletin.
Click here for the weekly Prayers.