
School Newsletter: April 11, 2023

Flower pick up will be THIS Saturday, April 15 at 10:30am-12pm in the Hunter Road parking lot. 

St. John is sad to announce that two of our teachers will be leaving at the end of the school year. Jamie McCormick has accepted the call to be Assistant Principal at Trinity Lutheran School in Delray Beach, Florida. Jennifer Weaver has announced her desire for a peaceful release at the end of the year. We pray that God blesses these servants in their new endeavors next year.

The school board has already begun the search for new teachers for next year. If you know of good candidates for preschool, middle school language arts, and/or athletic director, please pass on names and contact information to Mr. Huntington.


Our 5-8th grade Track Team will be participating in an all-Lutheran School Track meet on Friday, April 14th at Lutheran High School. Run Eagles Run!

Join us Thursday, April 13th from 4-8 pm at the Chick-Fil-A at Southport Rd for a Dine to Donate Night. Please mention St. John when ordering and St. John will receive 20% from all orders.

The PTL will be providing lunch for staff on Friday, April 14. Chick-fil-a will be providing nugget trays, but we could use your help with donations to round out the meal. We are feeding approximately 25 people. Donations should be brought to the office no later than 10:30 am on April 14. Please click here to sign up. Thank you!

Nerf Wars! 
Ready, Aim, Fire!  All St. John Lutheran male students and their moms/special adult female in their life are invited for Nerf Wars. Nerf Wars and cookout will be in the Gym on Friday, April 21 from 6:30pm-8pm. Be on the lookout for an email with more information and to sign up.  

Men we need YOU to make nerf wars happen! We are asking for volunteers to help get the field ready for the nerf war! We would need volunteers at times leading up to April 21st as well as the day of, such as grill, paint boxes, set up gym etc!  Please click here if you are able to volunteer.