School Newsletter: March 14, 2023
Join us Wednesday at 6:30 pm for Lenten Service in the Dwelling Place, Racine Lutheran High School will be performing.
Join us from 5pm-6:15pm for the Lenten Meal which will be provided by Jr. & Sr. Youth, and they will be serving mashed potato bar and homemade macaroni.
This week’s chapel will be on Friday during Grandparents Day and will be led by Mr. Davis.
A huge thank you to Southern Roots Gift Co. for donating the Pork and Chicken for last Friday's lunch.

Calling all special grandparents and special VIPs! You are invited to join your grandchildren/special friends for an engaging event at St. John Lutheran School.
Please note: Lunch will not be provided for our special guests. Please make sure Grandparents/VIP eat lunch before attending.
When? Friday, March 17, 12:00 noon – 2:45 PM
Who? St. John students along with their grandparents or some other special friends some other special friends
Where? St. John Lutheran Church & School
Park in the lots off of Southeastern Ave or off Hunter Road
How? 12:00 – 12:15 Meet in the Dwelling Place (east end of the building)– your grandchildren/ special friends will meet you there.
12:15 – 1:00 Chapel
1:05 – 2:45 Rotational centers around St. John
2:45 Dismissal(If your child is leaving early, you MUST sign each child out with EACH teacher)
2:45 – 4:00 Extended Book Fair hours
The Book Fair will be set up Thursday, March 16th – Friday, March 17th. Students will do a preview of the fair with their class on Thursday. They can purchase books on Thursday. We will also have the Book fair open on Thursday after school until 3:30 if parents want to come in and purchase. During Grandparents/Special Person Day the fair will also be open. If you would like to use eWallet to put funds in for your child to use, click here.
This is the time of the year where you will be receiving emails about ordering your yearbooks online. Please ignore those emails and do NOT order a yearbook this year. As a gift to all families, each student will be receiving a yearbook from the school.
Spring cleaning? If you find books that your children or grandchildren no longer read St. John's Lutheran School library is always accepting used (and new) books. You can drop them off at the school office Monday-Friday until 3:30pm.
……coat, baseball cap, hoodie, bracelet, socks, t-shirt, lunch box, pair of gym shoes, book, or a pair of gloves? If so, your missing item along with many other items may be waiting for you on our St. John “Lost and Found” table in the entry way of the school. The students and their classes are reviewing it as they walk by, but it also is helpful to have family members check out this table out, too. Any items “left behind” will be available through Thursday, March 23 before they are donated to local social service agencies.