School Newsletter: March 21, 2023
Join us Wednesday at 6:30 pm for Lenten Service in Sanctuary.
Our Early Childhood Students will be singing.
Join us from 5pm-6:15pm for the Lenten Meal. The Mission Care Board and the Human Care Board will be serving sloppy joes, chicken nuggets, and a variety of salad.
Thank you to everyone that came out for Grandparents’ Day. It was fun to see so many Special Guests with our students. We are thankful for each and every one of you.

To celebrate Spring Break a little early, students are allowed to wear PJ’s to school on Friday. Don’t forget we do not have school next week. We will return to school on April 3rd. We will NOT be in school on Friday, April 7th or Monday, April 10th due to Easter.
The School Office will be closed during Spring Break. Voicemails & emails will be checked.
Nerf Wars!
Save the date! St. John’s male students and their moms or special female person in their life are invited to join us for Nerf wars and a cookout on Friday, April 21. More details to come after spring break!
Students will be allowed to wear uniform appropriate (black, navy, khaki, gray) shorts starting April 3. Jean shorts will only be allowed on Fridays.
This is the time of the year where you will be receiving emails about ordering your yearbooks online. Please ignore those emails and do NOT order a yearbook this year. As a gift to all families, each student will be receiving a yearbook from the school.
Maundy Thursday, April 6 - 6:30pm in the Sanctuary
Good Friday, April 7 - 6:30pm in the Dwelling Place
Easter Sunday, April 9
- 7am Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
- 9am Traditional Service in the Dwelling Place
- 10:45am New Song Service in the Dwelling Place
- 8-10:15am Youth Easter Breakfast in the Gym
If you received a Choice Scholarship last year, you should have received a letter with your final Choice Amount for the 2022-23 School Year. It is NOT for next school year.