Worship | 04/07/2024

4/5 News and Notes

Voters’ Meeting April 14

A Voters’ meeting will be held on Sunday, April 14, following the 10:45 service in the Dwelling Place to extend a Divine Call for a Senior Pastor. A detailed communication was sent yesterday regarding the candidates. It is available HERE.

This Sunday the adult Bible class that meets in the music room will be taking a break from Nehemiah to study the Emmaus account from Luke 24 through the poem The Travelers to Emmaus by Anthony Esolen. Noah Schroeder and Rick Reed will be leading this together. They'd love to have you attend! Next week class will return to studying Nehemiah.


Stewardship at St. John


Attendance - Last Week                 621

Tithes and Offerings – Last Two Weeks                 $49,412

Tithes and Offerings – year to date actual 2024     $222,046

Tithes and Offerings – year to date budget 2024    $222,461

Stained Glass Windows – Total                             $161,002

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