
Advent Wreath



During the weeks of Advent, which means “coming” in Latin, we participate in a time of waiting for the birth of the Messiah. At this time, we hear Scripture from the prophets pointing us to Christ’s birth. It is also a time for Christians to look with hope for the second coming of Christ. We also pray for the light of Christ’s love to fill our hearts with hope, peace, joy, and love.

One symbol of Advent is the Advent wreath. The Advent wreath was developed in Germany as a sign of the waiting and hopeful expectation of the return in glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. The wreath, a circle, came to represent the eternal victory over death through Jesus Christ. The evergreens were a sign of the faithfulness of God to God’s people, even in death, and the lighted candles were a reminder of the light Christ brought into the world.

There are no prescribed colors for the wreath, although most churches use purple or blue and one pink candle. The four candles together symbolize the Light for which we wait. The first candle is the Candle of Hope. It is a reminder that Jesus has come for us, lowly and humble, and we wait in this hope. The second candle is the Candle of Peace. It reminds us that Jesus brings us peace from the wrath of God the Father because of our sins. The third candle, the pink candle, is the Candle of Joy. It represents the joy we have in our salvation through Jesus, and reminds us that the end of Advent is almost here. The fourth candle is the Candle of Love. When Jesus comes, He shows us what true love is: “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) Jesus is love. He is God and He shows us and give us His true heavenly love in dying on the Cross. The promise is for all who believe.

Come Lord Jesus, Come.