Church Newsletter: March 10, 2023
Watch this video to see our latest update from Pastor Watt.
Lenten Worship - Join us Wednesday at 6:30 pm for Lenten Service in the Dwelling Place, Racine Lutheran High School will be performing.
We are still in need of families to host Racine students. If you can help, please contact Aaron Huesmann.
Join us from 5pm-6:15pm for the Lenten Meal which will be provided by Jr. & Sr. Youth and they will be serving mashed potato bar and homemade macaroni.
Join us for a Voters' Meeting on Sunday, March 19, following the second service. The agenda will include the need for immediate repair work for the stained glass windows in the sanctuary and information regarding the condition of the windows in the school.
District President Visit - Indiana District President Rev. Dr. Richard Stuckwisch will join us for worship and adult Bible class on March 19th. President Stuckwisch is visiting congregations calling pastors. During the adult Bible class, President Stuckwisch will host questions and answers regarding the call process. This will be a great opportunity for him to get to know St. John. You are invited to meet him during this time.
The Senior Pastor Call Committee met on Thursday, February 16, to initiate the process required by the Indiana District to call a senior pastor for St. John. The members of the committee include Chad Belschner, Doug Hoeferkamp, Jon Knoll, Sara Lemon, Jamie McCormick, Matt Mielke, Connie Waterman, and Pastor Watt. The committee will publish regular updates of the progress of their work.
Please complete the survey and submit any nominations by March 26. The survey and nomination form may be accessed electronically here:
Congregational Survey
Nomination Form
Hard copies of the documents are also available at the Welcome Center and may be submitted in the box located there.
Trustees will be having a workday on Saturday, March 18th starting at 9:00 am. All are welcome to join us, including children. We will be working on items at the school as well as the church. Please bring work gloves but all other items will be supplied. If you are aware of anything that needs attention, please feel free to contact Mitch Chapman at
2023 Men's Gathering - Join other men in Christian fellowship on April 13-16 at Lakeview Villages in Seymour, IN as Rev. Jonathan Fisk teaches us how to “Stop the White Noise” in our daily lives. You will come to understand the importance of praying the Psalms and why the Proverbs are a philosophy on which to build our lives. Get away and enjoy God’s great creation, eat like a king at our hog roast, join in good-natured brotherly competition and much more. Visit for info and registration.
ST. JOHN FLOWER SALE - This year, instead of doing the Dance-A-Thon, or the Walk-A-Thon, we are doing an Annual Flower Fundraiser. All monies raised from the Flower Sale will go towards classroom and kitchen improvements for our school. We are excited to try this new endeavor and hope you will join us. All order forms with payment (one check made out to St. John) need to be turned into the office by Friday, March 24th. Click here to see the student order form. Click here for a copy of the flyer. Any questions, contact Heidi Mielke.
Click here for the Weekly Prayers